Has To Be Love
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RM 14.90RRP: RM 59.94
Savings: RM 45.04 (75%)
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FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
RRP: RM 59.94
Savings: RM 45.04 (75%)
Years ago, Clara survived a vicious bear attack. She's used to getting sympathetic looks around town, but meeting strangers is a different story. Her dreams go far beyond Knik, Alaska, and now she's got a secret--an acceptance letter from Columbia University. But it turns out her scars aren't as fixable as she'd hoped, and when her boyfriend begins pressing her for a forever commitment, she has second thoughts about New York. Then Rhodes, a student teacher, presses her to acknowledge her talent for writing, and everything gets more confusing--especially her new feelings for him. Clara is forced to confront her problems and find her way to a decision. Will she choose the life of her dreams or the life others have chosen for her?