Only The Good Die Young

by: Draper, Jason
BX Price:
RM 17.90

RRP: RM 89.96

Savings: RM 72.06 (80%)

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There is something obviously tragic and unfair, yet also undeniably uncanny, about the plethora of deaths of treasured musicians at a young age, more spookily specifically at 27 years old. Some will say it is inevitable when you consider the fast-drinking, high-living, burning-the-candle-at-both-ends lifestyles that these people take up, but surely there is more to it than that? Whatever the causes, this timely book includes entries on a range of artists who famously died at 27, but many others who died at other points in their teens, twenties and early thirties – at the height, or just before the achievement, of their creative potential.

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