Radical Belonging
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RM 19.90RRP: RM 101.70
Savings: RM 81.80 (80%)
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FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
RRP: RM 101.70
Savings: RM 81.80 (80%)
Too many of us feel alienated from our bodies. This isn't your personal failing; it means that our culture is failing you. We are in the midst of a cultural moment. #MeToo. #BlackLivesMatter. #TransIsBeautiful. #AbleismExists. #EffYourBeautyStandards. Those of us who don't fit into the "mythical norm" (white, male, cisgender, able-bodied, slender, Christian, etc.)-which is to say, most of us-are demanding our basic right: To know that who we are matters. To belong. Being "othered" and the body shame it spurs is not "just" a feeling. Being erased and devalued impacts our ability to regulate our emotions, our relationships with others, our health and longevity, our finances, our ability to realize dreams, and whether we will be accepted, loved, or even safe.