Sam Vole And His Brothers
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FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
RRP: RM 29.94
Savings: RM 15.04 (50%)
Another wonderful picture book from the makers of the Big Bear and Little Bear series. Sam wants to do something on his own, but everywhere he goes, his big brothers go too! He goes collecting grass...but Arthur and Henry go with him and they collect more than he does. It's the same with nuts, and one morning Sam sneaks out very early and goes voling on his own. But then he realiZes that he misses his brothers if they're not there! This charming story by an award-winning team will appeal to every younger sibling who occasionally feels overshadowed.