The Urban Garden: 101 Ways to Grow Food and Beauty in the City
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FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
FREE SHIPPING within Peninsular Malaysia with minimum purchase of RM 10.00
RRP: RM 121.46
Savings: RM 81.56 (67%)
In The Urban Garden you’ll find dozens of inspiring and creative ways to grow flowers, shrubs, vegetables, herbs, and other plants in small spaces and with a limited budget.
Whether you want to grow on a balcony, rooftop, front stoop, or a tiny urban patio, turn your growing dreams into reality and build a gorgeous and unique garden that showcases your personal style while still being functional and productive. With the ingenious ideas and resourceful tactics found here, you’ll be maximizing yields and beauty from every square inch of your space, while also making a lush outdoor living area you’ll crave spending time in.
Take inspiration from urban gardeners around the world and learn to: